Production expense tracking made simple.

Skip the data entry. Snap a picture of any receipt or invoice and we’ll extract the data for you with our best-in-class AI.

Save 100s of hours and money by tracking Actuals vs Budget, using petty cash cards that give you 1% cashback, paying invoices, and tracking all your expenses in a single platform.

Our partners

Dawn’s Light Media

Skip the data entry

Snap pictures straight from your smartphone

Upload documents from your desktop or tablet device

Forward emails directly from your inbox

Our smart document scanning extracts your data for you, including

  • Vendor names & addresses

  • Amounts

  • Invoice numbers

  • Due dates

  • Card number

  • And more!

We store all your documents for you indefinitely - keep all your transaction data and the associated documents in one place.

Send a payment or a check via email

Send payments to vendors and contractors with just their email - they choose how they receive their payment.

They’ll have the option to receive payment through ACH or a check they can print using any printer.

Standard ACH payments to a bank account can be made as well.

CREATE spend cards and get 1% CASHBACK

Instantly create physical and digital spend cards assigned to your crew.

Get 1% cashback on all purchases, while easily deploying cash to crew and tracking their purchases.

Crew pays using physical cards or by adding digital cards to Google Wallet or Apple Pay.

Easily configure spend limits on a per-project or a per-person basis.

track production tax incentives

Simplify your tax processes by effortlessly marking qualifying transactions and exporting eligible transactions with just a click. Input rebate percentages and let our system handle the calculations, providing real-time estimates of your anticipated tax refund as you progress.


Import your budget from any source, including Movie Magic, Hot Budget, Showbiz and Blink Bid.

Import all your categories and begin coding your transactions easily.

As you actualize, compare budget and actuals in real time!

REConcile transactions with statements

Import credit card statements and RollCredits will automatically reconcile your receipts and invoices through our awesome matching algorithm.

Easily track each card transaction to make sure it is captured in your wrap!

WRAP instantly

You own your data!

Export all transactions to an excel, or all files to a neatly organized folder. Or, best of all - a super pdf that acts as a cost report and contains all your receipts, invoices, W9s, and proofs of payment all in one.

What used to take days, now takes seconds.


“I always say to my team time, money, resources, pick two. Anything I can incorporate into our daily production process that saves us time and resources will ultimately save us money. Roll Credits does just that and I am excited to see a company focused on making the arduous processing of wrapping a production and paying our vendors as simple as clicking a button.

No more taping receipts, no more running checks to the bank, and no more late nights of data entry. Roll Credits is the future of production administration and has quickly become an essential part of every production.”

- Matt Little, Partner and Executive Producer at Open Range

“Money is spent on a production at lightning speed. The current systems for tracking, reporting, and invoicing are imprecise, archaic, and vary from one production to another. The amount of time and energy spent on staying organized and keeping up with spending is inefficient, cost and time heavy.

Finally, someone has taken the time to analyze production inefficiencies and fix them. Roll Credits pinpoints these problems and improves workflow with cloud based integration, improved bank and payment experience and a frictionless user experience across all departments. I am excited that technology has caught up with production and confident that Roll Credits will become an industry standard.”

- Nicholas Erickson, Producer & Managing Member, Giant Leap Media Ventures

In the fast-paced world of film production, where precision and efficiency are paramount, Roll Credits is a game-changer. This innovative AI-powered accounting system has addressed longstanding industry inefficiencies and transformed our workflow. Its seamless cloud-based integration empowers us with unparalleled flexibility, enabling access to critical financial data from anywhere, at any time. Roll Credits has simplified complex financial transactions, making them user-friendly, and the platform's commitment to a frictionless user experience across all departments ensures that every team member can navigate financial matters effortlessly.

Roll Credits is setting a new industry standard by bridging the gap between technology and the unique demands of film production. It's not just keeping us up-to-date; it's propelling us forward. If you're in the film production business, Roll Credits is the groundbreaking solution that promises to revolutionize your financial management and enhance your operations.

- Jason Cherubini, Chief Financial/Operating Officer, Dawn's Light Media

“RollCredits has been a total game-changer for us. It's made expense tracking and invoicing super straightforward and streamlined. We all know wrapping a shoot is not the fun part, but I actually enjoy the process now that RollCredits is there to back me up.”

- Kim Johnson, Owner/Producer Hive Productions

Contact us.
(832) 785-7791